Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing
A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab
High Resolution Book Tables/Eqn.
High resolution copies of all of the book tables/eqn. provided for use by
instructors on course slides/materials. See also the available copies of
high resolution book figures.
Whilst the aim is to provide adequate quality for slide use in an easy to use/browse form,
all tables/eqn. will eventually appear "pixelated" at a given level of scaling. Providing
high-res PNG seemed to be the lowest common denominator. Please get in touch if you
have any quality issues (authors @ [REMOVE-NOSPAM]
Instructors: Permission is granted to reproduce these tables/equations for
non-commercial purposes including education and research, provided the source of
the material is acknowledged (e.g. [some contents: Solomon/Breckon 2010] on first
slide in set or similar).
Chapters Index:
[1] [2]
[3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]
[9] [10] [11]
Size of thumbnail is not indicative of resolution of full PNG image.